2. Dosage and “adequate amounts”
Probiotic supplement dosing is measured by Colony Forming Units or CFUs. Clinical trials with a specific probiotic strain determine how many CFUs are necessary to deliver the intended health benefit. If the product contains several different bacterial strains, each strain should be defined and contain the exact clinically relevant dose and clinical trials done on the exact same dosage.
“Adequate amounts” include the recommended CFUs at the end of shelf-life, not the date of manufacture. The natural decline of living bacteria during storage must be considered at the production stage.
All BioGaia probiotic products are tested for total viable count, and the bacteria count is confirmed at the end of shelf life.
Note, the number of strains is not the most important thing to look for in a probiotic supplement. It is more important to select a probiotic strain which has been tested for a specific indication
Reaches the GI tract alive
Live bacteria have to survive the journey through to acidic environment of the stomach if they are to reach the gut alive. Our clinical studies show that our carefully selected probiotic species, such as L. reuteri, are proven to reach the gut alive.