BioGaia Products
BioGaia’s probiotics
From infancy to adulthood
BioGaia offers a range of probiotic products designed to support individuals at every stage of life, from newborns to adults.
These products are tailored to promote gut, immune, and oral health, providing comprehensive support throughout life’s various developmental stages.*

Infant & child probiotics for gut health*

BioGaia Protectis® BABY drops
The most researched probiotic in infant colic
- Clinically proven to reduce crying and fussing in colicky babies*
- Recommended by 6 international clinical guidelines
- Safe to use from birth
- Strain: L. reuteri DSM 17938
- Product: oil suspension with neutral taste
- Daily dose: 5 drops

BioGaia Protectis® BABY drops with vitamin D
Support infant’s and children’s digestive health*
- All the benefits of BioGaia Protectis drops with the added benefits of 10 μg vitamin D
- Strain: L. reuteri DSM 17938
- Product: oil suspension with neutral taste
- Daily dose: 5 drops
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BioGaia Probiotics FAQs
How often should your patients take probiotics?
Even though it colonizes the entire GI tract, L. reuteri temporarily binds to the epithelium that covers the GI tract.
As the epithelium replaces itself every four days, most of the L. reuteri cells are washed away within a week or two. Since L. reuteri colonization is transient, maintaining adequate and stable levels of the bacteria in the GI tract requires daily intake.
When should your patients take their probiotics?
BioGaia products can be taken with or without food, at any time of the day. However, it’s recommended not to mix with hot food or drink, or acidic foods. The important thing is they take probiotics daily.
Intake: Should the intake of probiotics be different for adults and children?
No, probiotics are not like a pharmaceutical drug. Probiotics are live organisms, and they can thrive, colonize and exert their effect as long as they have food and space. The intestine in an adult is much larger than in a baby of course, meaning that there will be more food and space available for the bacteria to eat and colonize. That’s why the dose can be the same.
Intake: Can a patient take too much of BioGaia probiotics?
You cannot develop resistance to a probiotic, and you don’t need to take a break. BioGaia probiotics can be taken from birth and for life. A true, clinically proven probiotic will not compete with other beneficial bacteria. Instead, it helps create a good environment for them.
Intake: Is it necessary to periodically change probiotics due to the development of resistance?
No, you cannot develop resistance to a probiotic, and you don’t need to take a break. BioGaia probiotics can be taken from birth and for life. A true, clinically proven probiotic will not compete with other beneficial bacteria. Instead, they create a good environment for other good bacteria.
How long does it take to notice an effect?
How long it takes to notice an effect from taking a probiotic may vary. Not all humans are the same, and the gastrointestinal tract may react differently when a true probiotic is added to the diet. Clinical studies have shown that L. reuteri DSM 17938 can affect occasional diarrhea within 48 hours and reduce colicky symptoms within one week, while the effect on constipation sometimes takes several weeks.*
Is a higher colony count of probiotics better?
No, not necessarily. The only way to know if the dose (i.e. the number of Colony Forming Units -CFU) is good enough is to check whether the product is backed up by science. If a product hasn’t been tested in a clinical trial, with a specific dose, with a specific population, and for a specific indication, it is not possible to say if a product is effective. As an example – a product with 100 million CFU (BioGaia Protectis baby drops) has shown to be the most effective in infant colic. It is therefore important to evaluate the scientific evidence for a probiotic before recommending it to your patients.
Mixed or single strain? Are mixed strains of probiotics better than single strains?
No, not necessarily. The only way to know if the probiotic strain is effective is to test it in clinical trials. A single-strain product can be more effective than a multi-strain probiotic product. We can use BioGaia BABY drops as an example again. It is a single-strain product and has been shown in clinical trials to be more effective to alleviate infant colic than any other probiotic products, multi-strain or single-strain. Evaluating the scientific evidence for a probiotic for a specific indication is therefore important.
Storage: Is it essential to refrigerate probiotics?
No, it’s not necessary. Most of BioGaia products have a shelf-life of 24 months when stored at room temperature. However, it’s always OK to store BioGaia Probiotic products in the fridge.
What is the shelf-life after opening the Protectis® BABY Drops bottle?
3 months when storing at room temperature.